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Organisation and governance

Board of directors 

Chairman Director

Olivier Gavalda
Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A.


Laure Belluzzo
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Technologies & Services

Nicole Gourmelon
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agrciole Atlantique-Vendée Regional Bank

Danielle Tondenier 

Head of Finance, Purchases, Legal Affairs, Commitments and Collections of LCL

Béatrice Grenade
Chief Marketing and Transformation Officer, Bel, Independant Director

Guy Guilaumé
Chairman of Crédit Agricole Anjou Maine Regional Bank

Cécile Mouton
Head of Financial Communications at Crédit Agricole S.A.

Laurent Martin
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Nord de France

Michel Olive
Director elected by the employees

Guillaume Oreckin
Chief Executive Officer of PACIFICA

Jean-Yves Remillet
Chairman of Crédit Agricole Champagne-Bourgogne Regional Bank

Bruno Tardieu
Chairman of Crédit Agricole Centre Ouest Regional Bank

Non voting member

Franck Bertrand
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Franche-Comté Regional Bank


Specialised Board of Director Committees 

As part of the European directive CRD4 – order n° 2014-158 of 20 February 2014, Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility’s Board of Directors decided at its meeting on 10 February 2015 to create a Risk Committee and refer the Appointments Committee to Crédit Agricole SA’s dedicated committee with supervision on a consolidated basis, as defined by the Article L511-91 of the Monetary & Financial Code.

The Compensation Committee has also been consolidated within the Crédit Agricole Committee, as decided at the Board of Directors meeting on 10 December 2013.

Audit & Accounts Committee 


Nicole Gourmelon
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agrciole Atlantique-Vendée Regional Bank


Laurent Martin
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Charente Périgord Regional Bank

Guillaume Oreckin
Chief Executive Officer of PACIFICA

Franck Bertrand
Non voting member

Risk Committee


Laurent Martin
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Charente Périgord Regional Bank


Nicole Gourmelon
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agrciole Atlantique-Vendée Regional Bank

Cécile Mouton
Head of Financial Communications at Crédit Agricole S.A.

Guillaume Oreckin
Chief Executive Officer of PACIFICA

Nominating Committee 

Olivier Gavalda
Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A.

Bruno Tardieu
Chairman of Crédit Agricole Centre Ouest Regional Bank

Agos (Italy): François Edouard Drion

Crédit Agricole Auto Bank: Giacomo Carelli

Credibom (Portugal): Gilbert Ranoux

Creditplus (Germany): Amir Djourabtchi

GAC-Sofinco (China): Stéphane Fallick

Leasys : Rolando d'Arco

Sofinco (France) : Franck Oniga

Sofinco España (Spain) : François Abad

Wafasalaf (Morocco): Driss Fedoul