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  • 2024/03/28
  • 5 min

Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility acts for the inclusion of young people

On the occasion of the launch of the 2024 work-study recruitment campaign, Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility highlights the challenges and actions of its Youth Plan.
CA Personal Finance & Mobility acts for the inclusion of young people

Inclusion is at the heart of the Crédit Agricole group’s Human and Societal Projects. At Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility, the Youth Plan is a strategic issue which is an integral part of our Societal Project with the objectives of the professional integration of young people and the development of a pool of young talents.


In 2023, Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility recruited 500 young people including 85 paid interns, 170 work-study students, 115 vacation assistants and 130 interns for a period of less than or equal to 8 weeks.


The company has also set up an endowment fund dedicated to youth: For Youth. The ambition of this fund is to support equal opportunities for access to employment for young people and help them find their place in society. For Youth already supports 3 programs in France:

  • Des.Codeuses, which trains women in tech careers and supports them through to employment in Roubaix.
  • DUO for a JOB, which offers to support young people from immigrant backgrounds in their professional integration through intergenerational mentoring, in Hauts-de-France, Ile-de-France and Bouches-du-Rhône.
  • IM’PACTES, which supports young people from Child Protection – and in particular those who have suffered violence – towards sustainable socio-professional integration in Ile-de-France.


The company is also mobilizing to allow younger people to discover the world of business. Thanks to “For Youth afternoons”, an initiative carried out in partnership with the Camplus association, Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility connects high school students from priority education networks (REP) and volunteer employees on occasion. interactive workshops, simulated recruitment interviews. The system thus creates bridges between young people and the world of work. More locally, in partnership with the “Viens voir mon taf” association, employees welcome 3rd grade students on internships from the REP and REP+ colleges in Massy and Roubaix, towns where the company is located, in order to raise their awareness to budgetary education.


Finally, Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility also acts through mentoring:

  • DUO For a JOB is looking for employees over 55 to mentor young people looking for work or training for 6 months. The results are particularly promising, since 12 months after the support, 7 out of 10 young people are employed.
  • IM'PACTES supports young people leaving Child Welfare (young people placed in homes or foster families) and seeks sponsors for its AVENIR program.
  • The program Emergence d’Aréli supports and sponsors young talents from Hauts-de-France.
  • In partnership with the association FACE Paris Saclay, Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance is committed to supporting young Essonnian students in their search for a work-study program.
  • Mentoring young people with Proxité offers the possibility of supporting a young person during their school career and providing them with professional expertise to establish their project.


The ambition of Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility is to continue and expand its support to enable every young person to access employment. For 2024, the group is strengthening the mechanisms around the work-study experience to continue its commitment to young people.