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  • 2024/01/15
  • 1 min

Wafasalaf, elected "Service Client de l’Année 2024 "in Morocco

Each year, the “Élu Service Client de l'Année” distinction rewards a company’s quality of service. In 2024, for its first participation, Wafasalaf was awarded first place in the “Credit Organization” category.
“Élu Service Client de l'Année”  Wafasalaf

Driss Fedoul, Chairman of the Management Board of Wafasalaf, congratulates all employees for this award which “rewards the efforts of several years of work around customer centricity”.


What is Elected "Service Client de l'Année" in Morocco?

Elected "Service Client de l'Année" is the logo which allows the customers to move towards companies which place the quality of customer relations at the center of their concerns. The Customer Service of the Year Election aims to test the quality of customer services of French companies. Companies are evaluated based on their consumer universe.

BSCM (Barometric Customer Service Morocco) is the company licensed by Viséo Customer Insights to represent this sign of valuation in Morocco.