- 2020/04/01
- 7 min
Crédit Agricole in Italy, the fundraising initiative destined to the Italian Red Cross - Officially started

- One million Euros donated by Agos, CA Italia, Amundi, CA Vita, CA Assicurazioni and the other Societies belonging to the Group to deal with Covid-19 emergency
- The Italian Red Cross is going to set up a field hospital with all the necessary equipment, thus acquiring ambulances and specific vehicles for sanitary and emergency transportation
- A fundraising has been activated on CrowdForLife (www.ca-crowdforlife.it), the Banking Group Crédit Agricole Italia’s online platform where colleagues, customers and citizens have the chance to contribute
- This initiative adds to other copious contributions made during the past weeks by Crédit Agricole in Italy towards hospitals and institutions. The whole contributions amount to more than 2 million Euros
Milan, March 31st 2020 – One million Euros to give concrete support against Coronavirus emergency and grant, at the same time, psychological, sanitary and social assistance to all subjects facing difficulties.
This is the main aim of the Crédit Agricole in Italy Societies’ endowment, with Agos (500.000 Euros, thanks to its employees’ contribution) Crédit Agricole Italia (140.000), Amundi (100.000), CA Vita e CA Assicurazioni (100.000), to the Italian Red Cross.
The other Group Societies, CA Corporate & Investment Bank, CACI, CACEIS, Eurofactor, CA FriulAdria, CA Leasing and Indosuez Wealth Management, joined the initiative bringing the entire donation to an amount of 1 million Euros.
Thanks to this contribution, the Italian Red Cross will be able to set up a field hospital provided with all the necessary equipment, besides the acquisition of ambulances and special vehicles for emergency transportation.
Another initiative, named ‘The Kindness Time’, refers to a further activity of fundraising taking place through the digital platform CrowdForLife (available at the web address www.ca-crowdforlife.it). This includes food and medicine home delivery service for people with more than 65 years old and for immune-depressed people.
Colleagues, customers and citizens will have the chance to support the Italian Red Cross’ activities throughout national territory to give assistance to people who need help.
“During these harsh times, all the Societies of Crédit Agricole in Italy joined to give their contribution. We are proud to support the Italian Red Cross activities, an organization standing on the front line to face national emergencies. Together with Agos, Amundi, CA Vita, CA Assicurazioni and the other Societies in Italy, we shared the necessity to enhance the provided services, giving to everybody the chance to contribute. We are convinced that, now more than ever, acting together in the interest of the community, that is the raison d’être of our Group, is crucial. Moreover, I would like to thank all the institutions for their commitment during these tough days and all the colleagues contributing with generosity to this initiative.”
“Thanks to Crédit Agricole’s contribution we are able to further enhance our response capacity to Covid-19 emergency and our home care services towards vulnerable people. I would like to thank the Group Crédit Agricole in Italy for the availability showed during these harsh times. Having the support of such a big Group, that involved its employees and customers through the fundraising initiative as well, made us stronger.”
This donation adds to the copious initiatives taken place during the past few weeks, with the aim to give support facing the sanitary emergency. The total amount donated by the Group is beyond 2 million euros.
FCA Bank, together with its subsidiary company Leasys, has recently given to the Italian Red Cross 300 Fiat and Jeep vehicles.
Crédit Agricole Italia, thanks to its businesses and private clients network, bought 60 sanitary machines for assisted breathing destined to copious hospitals throughout territories in urgent need in Emilia Romagna, Liguria and Tuscany, in synergy with its shareholders Foundations (Cariparma, Piacenza e Vigevano, Carispezia, San Miniato) and local companies (as Finice).
In Romagna the support was destined to Bufalini Hospital based in Cesena (together with Fondazione Caricesena) and to “degli Infermi” Hospital based in Faenza, together with Fondazione CariFaenza. This initiative adds to the support given to Lombardy through the contribution destined to a Families Supporting Fund of Lodi Curia.
128.000 pairs of gloves, 10.000 medical masks and about 2.000 medical overalls were donated to the Red Cross of Veneto and Friuli.
In addition, we promoted a fundraising initiative on our official website (www.crowdforlife.it) for hospitals based in the districts of Parma together with Fondazione Cariparma.
The Banking Group Crédit Agricole Italia launched on October 4th, 2019 its fundraising platform, CrowdForLife, as a meeting point among no profit associations and organizations in search for funds that can be deployed to realize social aims, and anybody who is able to support their projects with contributions. No profit associations and organizations can present their projects directly on www.ca-crowdforlife.it, thus starting a fundraising campaign that can be supported by anybody through donations (from One Euro to major amounts). Donations can be carried out through bank transfers or credit card, in an anonymous or explicit way. This platform offers a public financial statement referring to the evolution of the fundraising initiative and the use of the donations.