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  • 2019/02/08
  • 5 min

Staff who are proud of their company and their offices!

In professional life, well-being involves, in particular, a pleasant work environment with a friendly atmosphere. It was in this spirit that the “CA CF family day” event was organised at the end of 2018 on the Crédit Agricole Consumer France sites at Massy and Roubaix. Staff were able to show their families around their working environment in a relaxed atmosphere.


CA Consumer Finance is convinced that the quality of working life contributes to the commitment of its staff. The group, like its subsidiaries, moves into bright and modern sites that promote collaborative work. This was the case for the CA Consumer Finance group and its French subsidiary in the summer of 2017.


“Such moves accompany change in management and in our working methods: teleworking, use of digital tools in order to work where and when one wants, in compliance with the right to disconnect, work in agile mode, etc. Our aim is for everybody to want to come to work every morning!” 

Cédric Postel Vinay Group Human Resources Director at CA Consumer Finance


And when someone appreciates and is proud of their working life environment, that person wants to share it with its family!

1,200 staff at CA Consumer Finance in France have benefited from the “open house” event to show their place of work to their partner and/or their children! On the Gaïa site at Massy, they were able to explore the sports facilities, the auditorium, the restaurants, the indoor garden as well as the board room and the CEO’s office. “We wanted everything to be accessible!” pointed out Raphaële Hamel, Group Communications Director. Various games and entertainment were available along the lines of a village party, for everybody’s enjoyment. On the Roubaix campus, families visited both the historical building renovated two years ago and the new one, which is really modern.



“The architecture and interior arrangement of our two sites, with the services that are offered there, demonstrate the importance placed by our company on the well-being of its employees. This attention is reflected in our staff engagement and recommendation index which has improved still more”

Raphaële Hamel Group Communications Director


At both Massy and Roubaix, visitors have shown their appreciation.


“My children, aged 11 and 15, found my work environment to be very pleasant, which is indeed the case! I was happy to be able to show them round the site since I was involved in the renovation project and spoke about it a lot at home”

Stéphane Loyez Security Officer CA Consumer Finance at Roubaix