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  • 2021/04/14
  • 3 min

Sofinco supports the 6th Edition of “J’invite un banquier dans ma classe” (A banker comes to class).

Since 2015, around 50,000 pupils in 1,850 classes around France have participated in the “A banker comes to class” workshops, aimed at making children aware of the notions of budgeting, different means of payment, savings and banking security.

What does it involve?

Led by the Fédération Bancaire Française (French Banking Federation), this year-long initiative is aimed at 9 to 10 year olds across France and particularly during « Money Management Education Week ». Based on a collaborative board game, this fun, didactic, hour-long workshop is led by a teacher and a guest from the banking world. This year, due to Covid restrictions the workshops and exchanges with the classes will all take place online.

Why support this initiative?

Under the patronage of the French Ministry for Education and Youth, « J’invite un banquier(e) dans ma classe» was awarded « Educfi » certification by the Banque de France in September 2020. Sofinco is part of this initiative in which our employees can volunteer to participate as part of our Societal Project. In line with our commitment to being an inclusive bank it completes our ongoing undertakings for money management education.

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